Wednesday, October 15, 2014

New Experiences

Wassup everybody,

It's been a minute since I wrote a blog post. A lot has happened since my last post. I'm currently sitting in a desk at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA at my new job. Just yesterday I moved to Irvine to begin working in the Global Outreach department of Mariners Church as a Latin America Coordinator and representative of the Lo Mejor Del Trigo Church in Tijuana. It's weird being back in the US and working here after three months of being a missionary in Tijuana. I had a great time and God did so much in my life while I was there. I am super blessed to have the opportunity to work at Mariners Church, and I know that God has big things planned! I am really happy that I get to continue working with Pastor Daniel and fam as a representative of theirs here in the US. I'll get to go back and forth as part of my job, so I am looking forward to keeping that relationship alive and growing it in the future! I am also looking forward to making new friendships and relationships here at Mariners and hopefully with other partner churches. I am a part of the Global Residency program and am one of 4, one more is supposed to join us from Uganda, representing partner churches. There are two from Kenya, one from Germany, and me (representing Mexico) so far. I am super honored to be able to represent the LMT Church in Tijuana here and hopefully I represent them well!

I am looking forward to living in California! So far the first night went well, we had a global outreach team hangout and got to know each other better. It was a great time and we got Thai food, which is my first Thai food in over 4 months!!! I, for one, am incredibly happy that there are Asian food restaurants everywhere here in Irvine! I cannot wait to get out and explore the city as well as get acquainted with the church and the surrounding area. I'll hopefully keep you guys more in the loop here in the coming weeks/months and make more of a concentrated effort to document what the Lord is teaching me and whatnot. So stay tuned and please continue to pray for me!

Thank you guys! God bless!
